@INPROCEEDINGS{7958611, author={S. Alrwais and X. Liao and X. Mi and P. Wang and X. Wang and F. Qian and R. Beyah and D. McCoy}, booktitle={2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)}, title={Under the Shadow of Sunshine: Understanding and Detecting Bulletproof Hosting on Legitimate Service Provider Networks}, year={2017}, volume={}, number={}, pages={805-823}, keywords={computer network security;Internet;IP networks;bulletproof hosting;BPH services;service provider networks;IPv4 address space;DNS data;malicious network blocks;threat detection;threat mitigation;IP networks;Ecosystems;Market research;Servers;Feature extraction;Computer crime;BulletProof;malicious;hosting;sub-allocations}, doi={10.1109/SP.2017.32}, ISSN={2375-1207}, month={May},}